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Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:05 pm
by SlotBaker
Happy New Year...

Hi all, I'm wanting to re-body some of my cars, and I'm looking at the HSC "Approved Body" list, and don't see some of the bodies that racers appear to have been using.

So I checked with the IRRA® Website, seeing as where that's where we developed our rules from 10+ years ago, and further checked out their Approved Bodies list, where I notice quite a few additional bodies.

Most obvious are Parma bodies, where the HSC list has no Parma listed in either F1 or Can-Am.

What is the official stand/regulation regarding bodies for both Can-Am and F1?

Is it possible to update our "Approved Body"?

I'm happy/interested to combine/amend/update the list if it helps.

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:49 pm
by SlotBaker
OR, are the bodies listed in this thread, acceptable for use at HSC??

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:31 pm
by Mark Fox
Hi Steve

I don't know what the 'official' stand is but for mine any body approved by the IRRA or SCRRA as per the Reg set I developed (also from IRRA and SCRRA and Aussie Retro as implemented and developed via actual usage) is OK.

Love that term 'Re-Body' - be nice to do that for ourselves :lol: Hope we are going to see a bit more of you in 2019?

Are you planning to run in the ADC?

Cheers Mark

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:11 am
by SlotBaker
Hi Mark, thanks for your response, and yes, I'm hoping to run as much Retro as I can this year.

It appears that some of those (IRRA or SCRRA) bodies have been used at HSC, but don't appear to be on the HSC list.

Also, I don't see any approved bodies for Can-Am Coupe?!? :shock:

Hi James Colefax, can you please advise if the list of approved bodies, as cited by Mark, is acceptable to be used at HSC?
If yes, then great.
If no, then please advise which Can-Am Coupe bodies can be used.

Many thanks,

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:04 am
by Greg Erskine
Hi Steve,

I note that the Retro bodies I have bought from James are NOT on any approved list !!

But I assume bodies sold by James will not be a problem.

How the hell can anyone tell the difference between the 47 different types of Ti22 bodies? :mrgreen:


Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:17 am
by SlotBaker
Greg, True..
I reckon the Ti22 should be banned....
:geek: :twisted:

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:28 pm
by brady
Hello Gents.Steve, whats the point.We have been through all this before.And besides,they would only get repackaged under a different model name.Regards Brad.

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:04 pm
by SlotBaker
Brad, sorry I don't follow!! What are you referring to?

The point of me starting this thread, is to try and determine what bodies I can use at HSC.

From Mark's race reports, it looks to be like the HSC "Approved Body List" isn't being observed with races at HSC.

And my being out of the scene for a while I have lost touch with what is allowed, so I figured the best place for me to start was the Rule Book. The Rules as listed on the HSC website do not list some bodies that are being used there. Are they legal or not? I dunno.. I assume so, but...

Hence the question.

If you are referring to my post about banning the Ti22, it was in jest (hence 'smilies') towards Greg's joke regarding the number of different Ti22 bodies.

Anyway, my one and only point for this thread, is to try and find out, officially from James, what bodies can be used at HSC.

Sorry for any confusion.

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:43 am
by brady
Sorry Steve.To me it just comes down to what ever you can get your hands on.Brad.

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:58 am
by SlotBaker
Brad, no need to be sorry, no dramas mate.

Yeah, its looking like Mark's lists from IRRA & SCRRA will be the go, unless we hear otherwisw.

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:36 pm
by neiljb
Don't ban TI's - I just finished painting 3 of them!!
Yes, the Hsc bodies list could do with an update. But the point is that most of the bodies showing are not available. Thats why a lot of racers are running bodies not actually on the list. In a perfect world the list would be up to date ……….
Buy from James, I don't think he would sell you a body one week and tell you its illegal the next.
However, this post got me thinking about bodies in general.
Why is the TI the body to have? is it just because?
My own PB was achieved with a Lola. I recall Daryl winning using a Lotus 40 - not the most aero looking body around.
I had a quick look (just 2 races) at the Fox Report to compare Canam to Coupes. it was random but the totals were the same.184 for Fox with a TI and 184 for Cody with a Porsche. I was surprised as I thought the coupes were a little slower.
So ……
Why the dominance of the TI?
Has anyone tested the TI against other bodies?
Is there any difference between the various TI's?
and …. just for Brad - spoiler on or spoiler off?
Happy New Year and see you at the ADC

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:27 pm
by SlotBaker
Please don't turn this thread into a Ti22 debate.
Or any other body type for that matter.
That was not the intent of it.
We just need a workable Approved Body list for HSC events.

Neil, I agree that there are many bodies listed, that are no longer available.
That list was compiled more than 10 years ago, and needs an update.


Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:10 pm
by SlotBaker
I had a chat with James at HSC tonight, and the approved body lists on the HSC website are the ones to be used for all HSC events.

James did agree that there is no list for Coupes, and I asked about there being no Parma bodies listed in the HSC Can-Am or F1 regs, although he is selling them, and that they are being used at HSC. He will look into it.

James also made the comment that he doesn't have anything to do with Mark's regs and/or approved body lists, and said that they are for events organised by Mark, elsewhere to HSC.

Re: Approved Bodies List for 2019

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:36 am
by Mark Fox
SlotBaker wrote:James also made the comment that he doesn't have anything to do with Mark's regs and/or approved body lists, and said that they are for events organised by Mark, elsewhere to HSC.
The Regs I did are the most comprehensive (having being formulated with reference ta SCCRA, IRRA, HSC and discussion and suggestions from actual racers at the time) and were done initially for Wayne's proposed 'Worlds' at Race World which did no eventuate.

At HSC we always use HSC Rules whether they make sense or not e.g the 'Approved Bodies' list and I have never intimated otherwise.

If you follow the Regs I have published you will be HSC compliant excepting for the bodies but as HSC has no referable bodies list does this mean all Coupe races are now null and void? Is every racer using a Parma body now disqualified - obviously not.

To my way of thinking using the USA bodies listing is sensible and they do the work for us.