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SRC Round 6 Hornsby

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:50 pm
by petrolhead
Hi Guys and Hopefully a girl ;) ;)

Only 7 days until the next round

Lets hope for a good turn up as numbers are building

Looking forward to racing as I had a club win last start with a bit of luck in Gt1

And been getting them laps in on BLACK lane Wayne Bramble on the flat track

Best of luck guys :D :D

Wayne W

Re: SRC Round 6 Hornsby

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:40 pm
by stoo23
:(,.. Well, as has sadly So Often been the case in the past with the various rounds of the SRC I will Not be able to attend, due to Work commitments once again :(

Hope it Will be as good and competitive an event as All the previous rounds have been !!

Would also be Nice :), if someone can take some Pictures of cars and/or people etc along with the Race Sheets etc.

Am More than happy to assemble and 'post' them if required,.. just PM or email me :)

Have fun and good luck and great racing to all !!

Re: SRC Round 6 Hornsby

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:45 am
by petrolhead
Best of luck tonight guys :D :D

Re: SRC Round 6 Hornsby

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:33 am
by neiljb
So who won?

Re: SRC Round 6 Hornsby

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:05 am
by stoo23
Well,.. as suggested earlier, I managed to 'drop-in' at HSC and got some copies of the Race Sheets, from James.

Thanks as well to Wayne W for initially helping to supply some info' regarding the racing,.. :)

GT-1 (Big Track)
Results SRC rnd 6_sml.jpg
Results SRC rnd 6_sml.jpg (208.37 KiB) Viewed 7371 times
Results SRC rnd 6 001_sml.jpg
Results SRC rnd 6 001_sml.jpg (182.68 KiB) Viewed 7371 times
Retro (Small Track)
Results SRC rnd 6 002_sml.jpg
Results SRC rnd 6 002_sml.jpg (176.39 KiB) Viewed 7371 times
Results SRC rnd 6 003_sml.jpg
Results SRC rnd 6 003_sml.jpg (141.77 KiB) Viewed 7371 times
Overall Results;
1st     Casey
2nd    Richard
3rd    WayneW
4th    Brad
5th    Troy
6th    Joe
7th    GreggT
8th    Darryl
9th    WayneB
10th  John
11th  AndrewB
12th  Jason
13th  Stephan
1st    Darryl
2nd   GreggT
3rd   Troy
4th   WayneW
5th   Brad
6th   WayneB
7th   Jason
8th   Casey
9th   Stevo

Re: SRC Round 6 Hornsby

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:33 am
by petrolhead
Hi Stoo
I got a set of race sheets but are very faint, when scanned only half of the page is showing.

Hopefully you can get a better quality print out :D

Was a fun night and thanks to Joe and James for the night

We started with no practice laps,not one a i know i need them shake down laps
all be it 2 or 3 anyway straight into it and it showed for me as i only did 19 laps.
Going into the last bracket the top three were all on 156 laps
and my job was to keep it on and keep out of there race but I came of and took Troy off :o

Wayne W

(Post EDITED by Stoo)

Re: SRC Round 6 Hornsby

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:58 am
by stoo23
Scanned Race sheets added :)