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Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:19 am
by WSMCR-Plucka
We begin out adventure into JK GT1 racing Tuesday night and going by the primary numbers this is going to be a bucketload of fun and we have enticed one of our racers that does not usually lexan cars to come and race.

If you would like to come and race with your Hornsby car then you will need to change the wires or come a little early and we will swap them for you.

Tuesday the 16th at 7:30pm




Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:12 pm
by SlotBaker
Hi Plucka,
Do you have any regs for this class?

I tried to fathom what it's all about from the MR forum, but seems like Peter is still in developement mode.
I got a fair idea, but it seems that there is a bit of discretion required by the track owner.

So, if I wanted to build a car to run with you guys, what do I need?


Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:33 pm
by WSMCR-Plucka
This is what we have so far (yes pretty much identical to King willys)

Falcon 7 GT1

1. JK Cheetah 7 .030" only. Part #JK25017
2. No chassis modifications except for a motor and/or axle brace made from piano wire/brass tube or a Slick 7 EDM equivalent.
3. The front axle may be soldered in place at the pillow blocks and/or replaced with .062" piano wire.
4. Motor mounting tabs must be retained; oilite recess may be enlarged to allow improved gear mesh.
5. Front wheel retainers may be soldered in place.
6. Tape may be used to aid chassis performance.
7. "Shaker tubes" may not be used to mount the body

JK 4" GT1 LMP bodies only.

Any commercially available un-modified 48 or 64 pitch 1/8" or 3/32.

Front minimum diameter 1/2" aluminium replacement wheels with O ring tyres.
Rears: any 1/8" or 3/32.

Front - Max. diameter 1/16". Rear - 1/8" or 3/32 solid only. Oilites only. may be soldered or glued in place.

JK Falcon 7 motor only. Part #JK30207

The chassis rule may change to allow more (similar that what peter has suggested) but you can buy a JK "kit" car that has a cheetah 7 chassis and falcon motor with the gt1 lmp body.

Its a suck it an see and ill do some practice with a champion or slotworks to see if there is a big difference.


Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:52 am
by WSMCR-Plucka
Hi all,

We had GT1 this past Tuesday and we had a few HSC regulars taking a shot at the track, it was almost professional racer Gregg T who took the win with an amazing 189 laps (we race 3 minute brackets).

Code: Select all

	Class:	JK GT1 18th August							
Racers	Red	White	Green	Orange	Blue	Yellow	T-Laps	 Avg	
Gregg	31	31	32	32	32	31	189	31.5	
Troy	32	28	30	31	31	29	181	30.17	
Albert	29	28	29	30	29	29	174	29	
George	27	29	27	31	29	29	172	28.67	
Dale	26	28	29	31	23	28	165	27.5	
David	28	28	16	29	30	29	160	26.67	
Luke	29	27	25	28	21	29	159	26.5	
Dean	24	26	18	28	28	25	149	24.83	
Matt	25	23	24	24	26	24	146	24.33	
Brian	23	24	26	24	26	22	145	24.17	
Plucka	28	0	28	19	32	31	138	23	
Racers	Red	White	Green	Orange	Blue	Yellow	T-Laps	 Avg	T-Time
Gregg	5.686	5.438	5.409	5.412	5.177	5.42	189	31.5	32.542
Troy	5.514	5.356	5.306	5.229	5.249	5.278	181	30.17	31.932
Albert	5.549	5.476	5.6	5.149	5.507	5.472	174	29	32.753
George	5.687	5.475	5.401	5.528	5.4	5.626	172	28.67	33.117
Dale	5.802	5.608	5.467	5.325	5.469	5.466	165	27.5	33.137
David	5.328	5.359	5.178	5.249	5.313	5.302	160	26.67	31.729
Luke	5.292	5.236	5.992	4.675	6.224	5.222	159	26.5	32.641
Dean	6.174	6.02	5.81	5.769	5.74	5.741	149	24.83	35.254
Matt	6.28	6.154	6.08	5.897	6.049	6.321	146	24.33	36.781
Brian	6.405	6.106	6.151	5.825	5.961	5.969	145	24.17	36.417
Plucka	5.562	0	5.487	5.495	5.463	5.448	138	23	27.455


Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:14 am
by SlotBaker
Good stuff, thanks for posting.


Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:15 pm
by mrslotcar
Hey Plucka,

looks like you need more practice on your own track to keep up with the local racers ... :P

Here's some food for thought ... RacerX and I are formulating a 24 hour Enduro next May
using almost the same cars as mentioned here. Just keep an eye on the Mrslotcar forum
for race details as we will be finalising them over the following weeks. Because we want
interstaters to have enough time to get ready and book their travel and accomodation etc.


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:51 am
by WSMCR-Plucka
Yeah i had a barry last event as i was trying some tyres and gear changes and they made the car horrible.

We will have a few guys at HSC tonight racing GT1 for some fun so we will see how we go there.

Will keep an eye on the 24 hour deal.