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Group F - testing

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 1:37 pm
by lindsayb
At the Nats I had some discussions on entry level class's for Wing cars. This spiked my interest so I have been playing around with a group F style car.

What I have been using started as a JK ready to run car with hawk 6. On Waynes track this was relatively slow (3.6 lap times), I messaged P.A and got details of what they use in Texas.

So I have removed the JK front weights (as per Group F specs) geared the car to 14/37 and used a JK Hawk 7. I also trimmed a lot of wing out. The car can now do respectable 2.9's and seems quite a good consistent car. At some point in time we will start racing these at Waynes. They are a cheap wing car, motors seem like they can do a number of races and cost sub $20. The same motor is also used in GT1 - my test car has a motor that has already done a number of races including a 2 hour enduro.

I expect with further development 2.8's will be possible.

Re: Group F - testing

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 5:46 pm
by fast_mick
Hi lindsay,

any pictures?

Re: Group F - testing

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:17 pm
by lindsayb
Will have the car on Sat night at Waynes.

Cody has a 2.7 challenge