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Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:11 pm
by Ron Griffin
Doors open 8.00am
Start racing 10.00am

Bacon & eggs available for breakfast
Tea & coffee as well.

3 teams from SSME

Baxter & Baxter. Wayne & Andrew

Kenny & Warren

Chris & Jason


Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:36 pm
by Mark Fox
Hi Ron

Sounds good and I am sorry to be missing the bacon and egg sambos - and the racing of course.

Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:22 pm
by stoo23
Hey Guys,.. Great News Regarding all the TEAMS :)

Seems we Now have a Full compliment of 6 Teams. Fantastic :)
Perhaps a shame that the reigning Champions (Steve and Kevin) won't be running and both Foxy and Darryl won't be running :(
Hopefully Darryl may drop in for a Look ?? :)

So we have;
Drivers                   Team
Casey & Shalin       Shake & Bake
Stoo & Brad           Team BS
Wayne & Cody        OZ
Wayne & Andrew     Baxter & Baxter
Kenny & Warren      ?? SSME
Chris & Jason         ?? SSME
Looks like it should make for some Great Racing !!

See you all there :)

Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:14 pm
by Mark Fox
Looks great.

Glad you and Brad went with my suggestion of Team BS - it has a certain something about it :roll:

Good luck to all any sorry to miss it.

Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:46 am
by ozproducts
Ron what is the racing format on Sunday, Heat length drivers change and pee break.
Thanks Wayne

Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:17 am
by stoo23
Hi Wayne,

We have been taking things pretty 'Casually' in these 'Events', as this 'Quote' from one of the previous Race Reports shows :)
The format of the race was designed around driver comfort and having fun as opposed to a draconian system of rules, more rules and more rules again.

We proceeded as follows:-

Starting lane was drawn by lots
6X45 minute brackets with a track call at the 22.5 minute mark to allow a civilised driver swap-over.
2 minute lane change in which car maintenance was allowed.
A 10 minute break after the 3rd bracket for those in need of medication, have a comfort stop, smoke a cigarette, eat a chocolate bar or whatever.
Cars could be worked on during this break if required.
This was how the Last SSME event was held and run;
Schedule is as follows.

08:00 - Track opens for practice and tuning.
09:45 - Tech Inspection
10:00 - Race Start

It will be a relaxed fun day - track calls for driver changes.
Half way break for snacking, smoking and medication requirements.
There will be a 2min lane change and cars may be worked on in that change.

Fox used to do a Lot of the Pre-Race stuff in the Past, so am unsure Who will be doing some of the things this time around.
Depending on what time Brad & I get there and how well We are prepared, am more than Happy to Help with the various 'Details' etc,.. but Most of us are pretty Used to the whole concept and operation Now, so should go relatively Smoothly.

I would imagine you and Cody Will be Well Prepared :), so perhaps you could Help with Scrutineering ??
Would be Nice to know Weights and Setup Options etc as previously reported as such;
file.jpg (83.08 KiB) Viewed 7907 times
Perhaps also try to get pics of the Top and bottom of all the cars as well :)

Hope that helps :)

Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:29 am
by Mark Fox
And to complete the picture it is a 4 hour enduro over 6 lanes.

By my primary school arithmetic that makes 6 brackets of 45 mins with a driver change at 22.5 minutes.

Happy to help out here :lol:

Good luck to ya all.

Re: Luddenham 4 Hour Enduro

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:32 am
by stoo23
:) Noted,.. thanks Mark,.. I will adjust accordingly,.. :)

Just copied and Pasted eh !!??,.. lol